Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Homage to the Humble Bramble

For this city girl, it’s been quite a year. My move to the country has been more than a major geographic relocation; it has also been a psychological and emotional shift. I am reminded of that each time I walk out my door and clip an herb or pick a berry.

I’ve always appreciated excellent fruits and vegetables and certainly prefer shopping organic when possible. But, in my flawed thinking, produce would always be on my market shelf, I might pay more for it, but that was the height of my inconvenience. I had not made the actual connection between my daily food supply and the earth from which it came.

Now, living closer to the land I am fascinated by the order and rhythm of nature; I’m awed by nature’s systematic abundance. How miraculous, the seasonal process of a mere sprout shooting from the earth, manufacturing new branches and leaves, buds and blossoms, and finally bearing its own sweet and succulent fruit, with little assistance on my part!

Early in the season, my neighbor next door warned me about our shared blackberry bushes. Apparently, in the past their invasive brambles have gotten wildly out of control, choking everything in their path. I couldn’t bear to completely eliminate them, so I promised to scrupulously monitor their growth and maintain only the tiniest little patch.

And so, it has become a ritual and my joy to regularly oversee my little patch of berries, to marvel at their ability to thrive, to snip when necessary, and to happily harvest a bowl of ripe fruit for later sharing and enjoyment. I have discovered there is nothing better than fresh berries straight up, or perhaps topped with a nice scoop of vanilla ice cream.

This past weekend on a regular inspection with bowl in hand, I dipped and peered at my thorny bushes looking for more berries. I was perturbed and deeply mystified to admit that my seemingly endless supply was apparently drying up! How could that be? Barely able to glean a full cup of fruit, I sadly noted this year’s best berry days were gone for good.

Back in the kitchen, it was only right to pay final homage to my beloved blackberry patch. With such a limited offering, I pulled out my most suitable companions, two large tart apples, and set about making a beautiful and appropriate tribute, an old-fashioned Apple Berry Crisp.

Apple Berry Crisp

1 pound tart apples, 5 cups peeled, cored and sliced bite sized
2 teaspoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons orange juice
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup blackberries
Topping1/3 cup flour, divided
1/3 cup oats
1/3 cup brown sugar
pinch salt
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons butter, cut up
2 tablespoons canola oil

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a 9" oven proof bowl or pie dish.

In large bowl, toss apples with lemon juice and orange juice, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon, and 1 Tbsp of flour. Toss to coat. Place in baking dish and bake about 15 minutes, to pre-cook while preparing topping.

In same mixing bowl, mix oats, remaining flour thru spices; work in butter until mixture forms clumps; then add oil and distribute evenly. Gently add the blackberries to the partially cooked apples and crumble topping evenly over fruit.

Bake until top is golden and crisp, 30 - 35 minutes. Serve warm with cream or ice cream.
Serves 4-6. ~~



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