Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Relocation Fixation

One year, two moves, 3,000 miles later and I'm back!

A re-location to Greenville, South Carolina seemed like a terrific opportunity and I was right. New surrounds, new friends, and efforts to support the Sustainable Ag movement was thrilling and distracting, posting here shifted to low priority.

This spring an unexpected series of events surfaced and in mid-May I re-valuated, minimized my life, re-packed my van, and ventured west on a life altering trip across the US with a return to Oregon and family.

Too much infomation for now, but enough to say there is a vibrant thread from those days still running through me, evident in a deepening thoughtfulness and appreciation for my daily food supply - with all that entails.

Very early this morning, in twilight thought, I realized how much has happened - and continues to play out each and every day. I'm guilty of not fully acknowledging these times and for not placing more importance on the simplest pleasures. It's a little late for regrets, the immediacy of the moment is lost, but there's a great likelihood that there will be more to come and more to share.
"Take the time to give each task its due -
it comes out in the food: a generosity of spirit.
Call it rejoicing, tenderness, graciousness,
or simple attention to detail,
the quality of caring
is an ingredient everyone can taste."
- Tenzo Kyonkun



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